Monday, April 13, 2009

you could be mine

DLJ went to film school at Ohio State University.
His thesis film open features DLJ as Arnold Schwartzenegger in a parody of the teaser trailor for Terminator 2, set to Guns and Roses, "You Could be Mine."
As the terminator, DLJ is slow tilted as he steps out of the tissue regenerator...
revealing he's wearing boxers with hearts on them.

His encounter with the real Arnold will come much later.

back. waaaay back.

As credits roll at "Serpent and the Rainbow," DLJ leans back into his seat.
He's a spindly seventeen year old kid in tiny theater in Mansfield, Ohio.
circa 1987.
"People make movies. As their job."
DLJ's brow furrows as this fact occurs to him.
His brain squirms around in his head a bit before settling.